living Room


The Knotted Project and Hawk Dance Theatre commits to safeguarding children, young people and adults involved in any aspect of our work. We engage with a wide variety of people who take part in our activities as audience members, performers, and workshop and event participants.

We aim to create and maintain effective, best practice protection, and the safest possible environment, for people of all ages, genders, sexual orientation or identity, racial heritage, religious beliefs and cultures, health conditions, those with or without disabilities, and those from any economic background or model of family life.

Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures recognises our duty to actively safeguard the welfare of all people involved in our work, including children and vulnerable adults. This is a responsibility of every member of staff, including freelancers and volunteers at The Knotted Project and Hawk Dance Theatre.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is aimed at protecting vulnerable children and adults from harm. The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre acknowledges our duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults at risk and is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and best practice.

What we do at The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre:

  • Have clear policies and procedures in place relation to Safeguarding & Prevent.
  • Have a designated Safeguarding Officer across all of our projects.
  • Support a culture of vigilance across The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre so all our staff, freelancers, volunteers, collaborators and participants feel supported in raising a concern.
  • Take all concerns seriously and act upon them in a timely and appropriate manner, referring to specialist services as appropriate and in accordance with our statutory responsibilities.
  • Have a thorough recruitment process, making sure staff are appropriate to work with our audiences, communities and diverse participants.

Risk Assessment:

  • Please ensure that all children are supervised while taking part in any of the online tutorials on Inside The Igloo website.
  • Ensure you have assessed your’s and your child’s physical health before taking part in an activity.
  • Do not take part in any physical activities if you have an injury or underlying health condition that could cause you or your child harm.
  • Some activities include using potentially harmful objects such as scissors, please ensure children are supervised when using these.
  • Make sure that you have a clear space for any physical activity so that you do not cause damage to yourself or your property.

By taking part in any activity you acknowledge that you are participating voluntary and that you are solely and personally responsible for your and your child’s choices, actions and results, now and in the future. The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre take no responsibility for any injury or damage caused by taking part in this activity.

Reporting a concern

The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre are dedicated to Safeguarding all our participants, collaborators and staff. If you have a Safeguarding query, are worried about yourself or someone you know, please contact our Safeguarding Officer, Simon McElligott:


By participating in these activities, you are certifying that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out in this disclaimer, prior to taking part. By taking part in this activity you acknowledge that you are participating voluntarily in the session and that you are solely and personally responsible for your and you’re child’s safety, actions and outcomes, both now and in the future. The Knotted Project & Hawk Dance Theatre take no responsibility for any injury or damage caused by you taking part in this activity.

Children should be supervised during all activities.You accept full responsibility for any consequence of your use, or non-use, of any information provided in this engagement and you agree to use your own judgement and due diligence before implementing any activity, both now and in any future repetition of any activities.